Balance your Meridians

A typical 60-minute session will combine several therapy programs, some using information from the body and some from substances. The altered information is played back into the body through a large electromagnetic mat that covers the spine. During treatment, the body is ‘stimulated’ when it resonates with the healing frequency.

The session separates these waves into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components. The healthy waves can be boosted and sent back to the body to strengthen normal functions, while the unhealthy waves are ‘inverted’ or turned upside down by an electronic mirror circuit before returning them to reduce their negative effect on the body.

What actually happens is more complicated but the ‘inverted’ wave cancels the harmful wave that was stressing the body’s energetic system. You can see this effect at the beach where a wave reflected from a rock flattens the next incoming wave. The same electronic principle is used in noise-cancelling headphones for use on aircraft or Bose Noise Cancelling Headphone which I personal use daily to avoid my seizures due to a sensory disorder.